Monday, May 28, 2012

SHOCK absorption!!!

The good news is that I ran today. Not only did I run, but I ran 'about' 6.5 miles. The great news is that I did it in 'about' 50 minutes. I'm in SHOCK! The crazy part of it all is that this was only my 2nd run. Yeah, that whole 'challenge' of running as much as I could for as long as I could was a BUST, big time. My life mantra is "timing is everything, and there's no better time than the present"... Well, my present these past few weeks has been nothing shy of CHAOTIC! I'll spare you all the details of my so-called hectic life, and just leave it at, it just didn't happen... Til NOW!
Om my God, I feel great! Okay I might not be able to walk tomorrow, but right now I am floating on high. I can not believe that I was able to run (non-stop) over 6 miles. I can not believe I could run that far in 3 hrs, much less under 1 hr. I am so inspired. The best part is I was in complete control the whole time. I never 'lost my breathe' much less my focus and determination. I was rocking out to Florence and the Machine the whole time, sweating out all my anxiety from the weeks prior. It was incredible. I feel like I got a little taste of that 'runner's high' and saw a glimpse into why people get addicted to running. For the first time (ever in my life) I was running and felt strong, powerful, and confident; not like I was dragging sand bags uphill or simply like I was going to kiel over and die. I am so proud of myself, simply focusing on THIS run, and not the many I DIDN"T run. My new (much more realistic) goal is to run THIS WEEK on Wed, Fri, & Sun (the same route, if not farther). Let's just hope I can get out of bed tomorrow!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The 'Ahhh' in your Asana


That's awesome! I love that you are saluting your miles; as well as continuing to work through those poses I showed you. 'They' say you are supposed to pick the 3 asanas you dislike the most (aka are the 'worst' at expressing) and practice them for 2-3 min's 2-3 times/day. I am NOT suggesting yet 'another' challenge, but emphasizing how important it is to sometimes DO the things we DISLIKE the most. Usually if you can just get 'in it' and breathe, you'll find yourself surrendering into the posture and eventually loving it. 'Ahhhhhh'!!!! The once dreaded posture then becomes your favorite!!!

Well, I haven't RUN since my last post... But plan to tomorrow. I am hoping that the dread I feel (right here, right now) will dissolve within the first 15 mins of my beach run tomorrow morning. All I know is that if I am asking my yoga students to surrender into unfamiliar and possibly uncomfortable asanas; I too must learn how to surrender into an unfavorable and at times unbearable run. A 'moving meditation' where I trust I can find that 'Ahhh' place in either letting-go or tapping into something greater.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Salute You


I am so proud of you.  It's hard to get up and run on a good day.  A day when you feel whole, rested, energized - when you're not tired and burned and blistered.  Day One is tough.  But you did it!  It may get a little harder before it gets easier; just be kind to yourself if it does.  Because it WILL get easier.  Much easier.

Now it's my turn.  As I promised you (and myself), I am going to start incorporating some yoga into my life.  For the three weeks that you "try" to run (ahem, no problem there!), I am going to match a sun salutation for each mile I run.  Today was an "off" day (and I don't start officially start training for this inaugural marathon until next Monday), so I ran 3 miles.  And then came home and did three sun salutations.

After that third round, the baby still didn't wake up and interrupt me so  I went into those two yoga poses you showed me to help with that IT Band injury that's been nagging me.

It felt really good.  To be honest, today was a bit deflating.  I thought that if I just ran 3 miles rather than my normal 6-10, I'd certainly be able to run 7-minute/miles.  Alas, that was not the case.  Not even close.  Unfortunately I'm not as fast in reality as in my imagination.  Bleh.  The realization that my friend who's pregnant runs significantly faster than I do, even 10-months postpartum, can be a bit hard to swallow and I could have let that knowledge ruin my day.  But...well, somehow coming home and doing that little bit of yoga really felt like an accomplishment.  Something new.  Enough that I started the day feeling good after all.

Love you,

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Art of Running

“In my opinion, EVERY athlete – irrespective of sport or discipline – has the potential to enhance his or her ability by adopting a consistent yoga practice. I’d go so far as to say that if you’re not practicing yoga, you’re competing at a disadvantage and missing an opportunity to enhance peak performance.” Rich Roll

I Agree with Rich (on many topics of ‘health/nutrition’). My question is “Should EVERY yogi/yogini – no matter what their style/practice – practice the art of RUNNING?” 

It’s all in the mind (not in the body). I trust and believe in MY body to run, but I am not sure I have faith/patience in my MIND to keep me going… Ahhh, and we come full circle, back to the Yoga (mind, body, breathe & spirit).

Well, here I am… Embarking, yet again, on unfamiliar terrain. Pounding the pavement (literally)- I ran like a Yogini. I had to go deep inside, focus on my ujjayi pranayama breathing, and even busted out a mantra in the end; to get me through Day One, 45 min’s, of paved running.

With that said, I did hike about 10k the day before (Mother’s Day) on the Kings Hwy; a “trail” of sand, stone and lava rock. It was an incredible day/hike; but ended in sunburn, sore muscles, and blisters on my toes. No excuses, though… I woke early (before my boys were awake) snuck out of the house and ran. Thank god for my sister (a ‘real runner’) who gave me a pair of her non-cotton running socks! Those things are worth every $15.00/pair. No blisters (at least no more).

My goal is to run ‘as much as possible’ for ‘as long as possible’ for the next 3 weeks. How much is ‘as much as possible’? I am hoping at least 4-5 days/week. How long is ‘as long as possible’? Well, at least 45mins (or longer). Why for only 3 weeks? I’m going to call it my Run Like a Yogini Challenge; my 3 week running immersion. I figure this way I can ‘test’ different terrains (pavement, dirt, & sand) and see what I survive best. 

I am an ‘all or nothing’ girl, and if I don’t immerse myself completely, I’ll find every excuse possible to stay ‘comfortable’ in my yoga practice. Do Yoga and Running really create the ultimate union/balance???

*Before I started my early am run, I did the 5 Pre-Run Poses from the Lululemon Blog ( to integrate my yoga practice into my running routine.